Hello! My name is Ian, and I'm interested in keeping tabs on the changes going on around me here in Austin. There is so much to keep track of around me, so I figure that sharing my notes may be helpful for other folks trying to stay up to date :)
P.S. some pages will be a bit of a mess, but hopefully only temporarily.
## Projects
* **Wishbone Bridge and Long Horn Dam**: Adds a bridge immediately upstream of the existing dam; reconstructs and expands the tunnel under the roadway south of the lake; makes functional improvements to the dam; and improves the Pleasant Valley right-of-way (RoW) on the dam itself.
* **Project Connect Metro Rapid**: Adds infrastructure to support a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT running) along Pleasant Valley
* **[["Country Club West"|Country Club West Bridge and Channel Stabilization]]**: Replaces a collapsed bridge over Country Club Creek with other improvements to prevent future issues
* **I-35 CapEx Central**: Complete rebuild and expansion of I-35 by TxDOT through the center of Austin. This includes lowering the highway into a trench as well as a 20+ foot wide drainage tunnel 100+ feet deep running underneath E Cesar Chavez to a pump station near 183.
* **I-35 Cap and Stitch**: Adds large covers above the highway during TxDOT's complete reconstruction of I-35, which will likely function as public spaces.
* **5th St and Red Line improvements**: Complete re-building of severely corroded street, to include new bike lanes and a doubling of the CapMetro tracks
## Zoning
*What is allowed to be done with land*
* **DB90**: A new zoning overlay the city introduced in allows to be built. This zoning allows for larger buildings provided that they include affordable housing, among other conditions.
* DB240
* **ETOD**: adds an "overlay" — a set of rules about what is allowed to be built — in the immediate area around the Project Connect public transport. Phase 1 focused on the light rail and passed on 16 May 2024, ; Phase 2 is understood to focus on the Red and Green commuter rail as well as the BRT lines.